(ignore the church ad at the bottom....i just borrowed their graphic cause i likey.)
so 2010 was a good year....no. not good, AWESOME. well, and sucky at times, but awesome overall. at the beginning, i celebrated 11 years of marriage to my better half (kudos to him for putting up with me for that long ;) then, this past summer i ran my first half-marathon with some really great friends and even managed to beat my goal time....and then 3 weeks later i turned around and did another one! and then ANOTHER one on my most epic of birthday celebrations 10.10.10. i started teaching a spinning class (which i never in a bajillion years envisioned happening!) but i am loving every minute of it. my oldest "baby" earned his *eagle* scout. i said goodbye to several good friends (boo! stupid military!) but HELLO again to another great one, who i am so blessed to have back in my life.
looking ahead, i wonder what 2011 holds in store for me. i would like to learn to slow down a little and take time to smell the flowers along the way (as a very wise woman recently advised me.) i would like to serve those in need more and have recently put the wheels in motion for that to happen. i would like to be more content and at peace even when my surroundings are sometimes chaotic. i am hopeful for the beginnings and possibilities of what this new year holds....and how could it not be great with a beginning like 1.1.11?!
"Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right."
--Oprah Winfrey
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